πŸͺ™Creator Credits

Everyone wins

What are Creator Credits?

These non-transferable credits are earned when users’ content is engaged with by verified brands or influential creators. CCs track user engagement, content quality, and contributions, acting as the main metric for level progression and overall experience on the platform. They unlock rewards, merchandise, premium features, and much more.

Uses of Creator Credits:

  • In-app purchases: Users can use Creator Credits to buy merchandise, access services, or make submissions within the platform.

  • Redeem Governance: Creator Credits will unlock redeemable governace weight.

  • Content Boosts: Creator Credits can be utilized to boost the positioning of content, increasing its visibility and reach.

  • Premium Features: Users can unlock premium features such as direct messaging with other users or creators by spending Creator Credits.

How are CCs rewarded?

  • Basic Contribution: 50 Creator Credits for any content submission.

  • Creator Likes or Comments: 100 Creator Credits Each

  • Spotlighted Content: 500 Creator Credits for content that is spotlighted by the platform or selected as top content in a Spark.

  • Winners or selected : Select content or winning content receives a further 500 CCs or the amount specified by each contest

Flagged Content & Penalties

  • Flagging Penalties: To maintain high content quality, users will lose 500 Creator Credits (CCs) for flagged content that is deemed irrelevant, vague, or spammy.

  • Extreme Content: Any content that violates community guidelines will result in a ban and the loss of all CCs. Ban Icon

  • Flagging System: Content flagged by the community or moderators for irrelevance or spam will result in a penalty.

  • Content Review: If content is reviewed and found valid, points will be restored. Contact us if this is you!

Overall, Creator Credits play a vital role in incentivizing and rewarding valuable contributions to the BlockBook platform, fostering a supportive and engaging community while promoting high-quality content creation and creators.

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Last updated