
Let's get a better understanding of all the information and icons on a content Block.

Block Info & Icons

A block shows its contributor's profile pic and name in bold (Malik & Elisa). If it belongs to a spark, it has a small blue lightning bolt followed by the spark's name (Vato). General content has only the name given to it by the contributor when submitted (Enjoy ur life). This is followed by the name of the creator (Snoop Dogg and Lady Gaga) it was submitted to, followed by the date added.

The yellow star shown on the Spark Content block below indicates that the block was spotlighted by the creator.


We display blocks with relative Thumbnails. This is the layout:

  • VIDEO: The beginning image will be displayed, for now.

  • IMAGE: Full image will be displayed and cropped by the block format

  • AUDIO: Will create a CD looking image and use your banner image as a skin

  • TEXT: Will always preview the opening paragraph

Last updated