
Your time to shine!

Creator's BlockBooks

Once you find a creator, either through the search bar, discovery, or a URL link on social media, you will be redirected to their BlockBook. Now, their BlockBook is similar to yours, with the exception that their categories are purely dedicated to you, the user. Their BlockBook becomes platforms for the content of their fans, audiences, and followers. Furthermore, each creator will have Sparks highlighted at the top of the page and their top contributors at the bottom.

Join Sparks ⚡️

Sparks are creativity pools structured like contests, allowing people to stand out through deadline-based content submissions, usually initiated by the Creator themselves. Creators may have several different Sparks live, each with a countdown meter to show when they end. To learn more, click on the Spark itself and enter the Spark page.

Here, you can see the original content added by the creator, a supporting video, and the Spark details, which should highlight the contest details and the rewards for winners. Furthermore, creators can attach source files for downloading in case there is extra material like PDFs, stems, or higher-rendered content.

Following the instructions of the Spark, you can then submit your content as you did with your general content:

  1. Click "Submit Your Content".

  2. Select your media type (Video, Image, Audio, or Text) and upload your content.

  3. Click "Submit Block" and if there is a feem, follow payment details.

Now, you have officially entered the Spark, and your content block will be displayed on the Spark page as well as the creator's main BlockBook page. Make sure your content stands out and good luck!

Block Categories

On a creator's BlockBook, categories differ from a user's BlockBook. Here is a breakdown of what they do:

SPOTLIGHT: This is where all the content blocks that the creator spotlights are highlighted. When you are spotlighted by a creator, your content immediately gets added to this group, standing out from the rest.

TRENDING: Content with the most activity (likes and shares).

RECENT: The most recent submissions land here.

SHUFFLE: As the name suggests, a constant mashup of content for your enjoyment!

VIEW ALL: Although a handful of blocks are displayed, by clicking "view all" you can access all blocks in each category and easily flip through them by clicking the Block.

Contribute your General Content

Think of all the content you wish you could show to someone of influence: demo tapes, video, production, lyrics, poems, photography—content that is purely yours and has been shelved or created without the visibility it deserves. You can easily submit your content in three basic steps:

  1. Go to "Submit Your Content".

  2. Click "Submit General Content" (other options are the active Sparks of that creator).

  3. Select your media type (Video, Image, Audio, or Text), name your Block, and upload your content.

  4. Click "Submit Block" and follow payment details.

Once you have successfully paid the creator fee, your content will be instantly displayed on the creator's profile in both the shuffle and recent sections. The creator will receive a notification that you have submitted your general content and can proceed to view it, like it, comment on it, and if they really like it, spotlight it! Furthermore, BlockBook pushes your content throughout the platform's users and discovery using our algorithmic distributor.

Last updated