
Every contribution on BlockBook creates a secure digital footprint on the blockchain, an unbreakable ledger ensuring transparency and authenticity. When you submit your work, it is minted as a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) and registered through Story Protocol, effectively tokenizing your intellectual property. This means your creative work belongs to you.

Ownership and rights to your tokenized content depend on the specific terms of each submission, which are clearly defined within each Spark. If no specific terms are outlined, full ownership remains exclusively with you as per BlockBook's General Terms of Use.

Once your contribution is submitted and no transfer of ownership is required (as specified by certain brands and Sparks), you can seamlessly redeem your IP asset directly into your Metamask wallet, ensuring you maintain control and access to your creative work. Make sure to add the relevant Network to your wallet:

Wallet Setup (Metamask)

  1. Open up Metamask and click the network configuration pane on the top-left

  1. Hit save - the network should be successfully added and you’ll be prompted to switch to Story’s parter testnet.

Getting $IP through Story Faucets

In order to complete the redeem process, you will need $IP on your wallet to cover gas fees.

Option 1:https://faucet-app-pi.vercel.app

  • Click Connect to verify your identity on Twitter

  • Once done, paste your wallet address into Wallet Address and click Connect Wallet

  • Once done, you should have 2 IP in your wallet

If you encounter any issues please contuct us!

Last updated